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March 22 2015

Big Pharma used "statistical deception" to sell deadly statin scam to Americans, study concludes

by Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Statins are a deadly scam, and new research published in the journal Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology undoubtedly proves this. Using "statistical deception" to make statins appear safe and effective, the drug industry has deviously sold the United States and other Western nations a bill of goods, say researchers, as actual data shows that statins provide almost no benefits while causing serious harm.

Dr. David M. Diamond, a professor of psychology, molecular pharmacology and physiology at the University of South Florida, and Dr. Uffe Ravnskov, an independent health researcher and expert in cholesterol and cardiovascular disease, teamed up to a take a closer look at the claims made about statins. After reviewing a cohort of published studies on statins, they concluded that statistical trickery is responsible for their ill-gained notoriety.

"[S]tatin advocates have used statistical deception to create the illusion that statins are 'wonder drugs,' when the reality is that their modest benefits are more than offset by their adverse effects," wrote the authors in their paper.

Lying drug companies use "relative risk" data to create illusion that statins are safe and effective

When poring through the data, the two doctors found that nearly every drug-industry-backed study claiming that statins are safe and effective used "relative risk" data rather than "absolute risk" data. This deceptive tactic is often employed to make drug treatments appear more effective than they actually are, as well as to cover up any adverse effects associated with drug interventions.

By comparing the treatment outcome of one specific group of people to another specific group (relative risk), rather than evaluating how each individual responds to a particular treatment over time irrespective of all others (absolute risk), drug companies deceitfully veil the ineffectiveness of pharmaceuticals and their respective risks from the public.

This is how statin researchers are able to claim that statins benefit 30-50% of the population (relative risk) rather than 1% or less of the population (absolute risk).

"In the Jupiter trial, the public and healthcare workers were informed of a 54 percent reduction in heart attacks, when the actual effect in reduction of coronary events was less than 1 percentage point," wrote the authors concerning a major trial that evaluated Crestor.

"In the ASCOT-LLA study, which was terminated early because it was considered to have such outstanding results, there were heart attacks and deaths in 3% of the placebo (no treatment) group as compared to 1.9% in the Lipitor group."

"The improvement in outcome with Lipitor treatment was only 1.1 percentage point, but when this study was presented to the public, the advertisements used the inflated (relative risk) statistic, which transformed the 1.1% effect into a 36% reduction in heart attack risk."

Cholesterol changes brought about by statin use lead to cancer

Meanwhile, ending statin trials early under the guise of prudence -- most drug industry-pioneered statin studies are terminated within two to five years -- conveniently hides the fact that statins come with major health risks. One of these risks is cancer, as demonstrated by at least one long-term trial which showed a dramatic increase in breast cancer rates among women who took statins for 10 years or longer.

In fact, using statins to artificially lower cholesterol levels, as millions of Americans and others do daily, appears to be directly associated with cancer incidence -- statins clearly cause cancer! But you'll be strained to find this information anywhere in the industry literature, which is so mendaciously formulated as to make statins appear like a miracle drug rather than a lethal ruse.

"The adverse effects suffered by people taking statins are more common than reported in the media and at medical conferences," conclude the authors. "Increased rates of cancer, cataracts, diabetes, cognitive impairments and musculoskeletal disorders more than offset the modest cardiovascular benefits of statin treatment."

Medical journals starting to force drug companies to release all records of adverse events

Much of the problem lies with medical journals, which are largely reluctant to demand that industry-backed studies present all their data on adverse events, including absolute risk data. But several major journals, including the British Medical Journal (The BMJ), are attempting to change this.

The BMJ's editor-in-chief, Fiona Godlee, and the chair of Britain's Commons Health Select Committee, Sarah Wollaston, have both called on drug companies to release all of their records involving undisclosed adverse events of statins in their clinical trials. At the same time, doctors like Diamond and Ravnskov are calling on people to take other practical steps to avoid heart disease, including avoiding excess carbohydrates and sugar.

"There is a great appeal to the public to take a pill that offers the promise of a longer life and to live heart attack free," wrote the duo. "The reality, however, is that statins actually produce only small beneficial effects on cardiovascular outcomes, and their adverse effects are far more substantial than is generally known."

You can read the abstract of their study here:

Sources for this article include:

  Dying To Have Known

This is the true story of the journey to recover THE treasure, of the cure for cancer and chronic disease, that millions were, or are "dying" to have know about.

click here to watch the preview on the original site , where you can also order the DVD

Go to the Gerson website for more information on this therapy

22nd Sept 2007

Why Nitric Oxide is Good for You

Nobel Laureate Ferid Murad steps out of the TV to explain why nitric oxide (NO), the explosive chemical in dynamite, can be good for you.
click here

20th Aug 2007

Chromium: Your Body Needs It, You’re Probably Not Getting Enough of It, and Without It, You Cannot Survive

By: Crusador Interviews Nutritional Researcher Christopher BarrSource: http://www.healthtruthrevealed.comAugust 20, 2007


“The trace element mineral chromium is the single most important nutrient discovered to date, though very few know very much about it, and most of what those few know is wrong.”  -- Christopher Barr

Do you have Type II diabetes, elevated blood sugar levels or hypoglycemia? Have you been diagnosed with high cholesterol or heart disease? Are you struggling with extra body weight that you just can’t seem to get off even after dieting and exercising?  Do you have erratic ups and downs in energy levels throughout the day? Are you pregnant or trying to get pregnant and want your baby to develop properly with healthy metabolism for life? Are you a health and nutrition enthusiast and want to live a long, disease-free life?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then you need to learn more about the essential trace element chromium. The mineral chromium plays a prominent role in your health from the day you are conceived up until the day that you die. Without the right amount of chromium in the proper form, your body will eventually succumb to a debilitating health problem that will eventually kill you. read more

Chromium - The Single Most Important Nutrient Needed In The Body
Click here to Listen to the Interview

7th Aug 2007

Scientists Warn -- Dangerous Chemical Found in Plastic

30th July 2007

Most Astonishing Health Disaster of the 20th Century

For over 100 years conventional medicine has seized control of the US health care system and as a result we have over 800,000 people who are killed by interacting with this system.  It is likely that over 50 million Americans have died prematurely from this abuse.

Unfortuantely, most of the people in the US are simply brainwashed from the reality presented in this video. EVERY year they are exposed to over 50 billion dollars of advertising from the drug and food industry that manipulates reality to paint a scenario where it makes perfect logical sense to choose drugs and surgery for chronic degenerative  diseases.

Unfortunately the drug and food companies did not count on the Internet which allows web sites like this one to tell the "other" side of the story.


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